We are experts in our field. We possess extensive knowledge of effective and impactful arrangements for SEND, and managing resources to best effect. We are able to:
- evaluate and review the quality of SEND services, and undertake wholesale reviews of LA arrangements for SEND
- undertake reviews of the sufficiency of specialist provision
- review and enhance the Local Offer to ensure continuous improvement
- review high needs funding arrangements and increase delegation to schools
- determine whether stakeholders work in partnership to embed the SEND reforms.
We support local areas in their preparation for Area SEND Inspections . Where inspections have highlighted significant concerns in a local area we are able to support the development of priority action plans to resolve the widespread and/or systemic failings which must be addressed. SEND4Change can support local areas by drawing on our extensive knowledge and expertise by providing access to our uniquely developed framework, which will help to establish:
- the effectiveness of local leadership and local strategies
- the strength of relationships with families and partners
- the effectiveness by which the local area identifies and meets the needs of children and young people with SEND
- how effectively needs are being identified and being planned for through the EHCP process
- the sufficiency of specialist provision
Engagement, collaborating, and Joint Commissioning are extremely significant when creating SEN Services, both for the users of the services, but also for those developing the local offer. We can help you to:
- improve collaboration with families, and embed and maintain a person-centred approach to assessment and planning for all young people
- develop high quality education provision locally through collaborative partnership work
- support and develop SENCos, head teachers and Local Authority employees to develop a robust SEN support offer
- engage with Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS providers to scope and develop joint commissioning arrangements and strategies
- embed joint commissioning of SEND provision across Health, Education and Social Care.
We have created a number of frameworks, approaches, and processes which innovate and improve SEND services. We are able to win over hearts and minds. We do this by:
- introducing new approaches and quality assurance procedures aimed at developing high quality Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans within required timescales
- introducing arrangements to reduce permanent exclusions through the development of effective partnership working for young people with social, emotional and mental health needs
- supporting with the integration of outcomes based Education, Health and Care services and streamlining the assessment and planning pathways
- developing new approaches to meet the outcomes of an EHC Plan through a Personal Budget
We understand the importance of independent investigations where relationships have broken down. We have successfully intervened in a number of cases and brought about positive change and improvements. We can help you by:
- providing fair and impartial investigations into complaints and allegations
- helping to rebuild relationships following complaints
- providing a mediation service.
We are able to provide continuing professional development opportunities on a wide range of areas such as:
- developing the SEN support offer made by schools
- disability discrimination advice, duties and responsibilities
- improving Accessibility
- writing quality outcomes focused EHC plans
- preparing for SEN and Disability tribunals
- understanding SEN funding
- engaging with families in planning processes.
We are also able to provide bespoke training packages to meet your requirements. Alternatively, we are able to organise small or large scale training events to meet your needs using a range of successful experts with a known reputation in the area of SEN and disability.
We co-ordinated several conferences in 2017 and 2018 focusing on:
- engaging with families
- pre and post Local Area inspections
- improving arrangements for children at risk of permanent exclusion.