Lee Harris
Lee Harris is an experienced Executive Leader and Leadership coach. He has 23 years of experience as an Executive Principal and Head Teacher in both special and mainstream education, leading provision in both primary and secondary phases. Most recently, Lee has established school improvement collaborative approaches based on sharing resources and expertise in order to improve outcomes.
Lee has vast experience of working in a variety of learning environments for young people with social, emotional and mental health needs and experience of quality assuring Pupil Referral Unit provision. His career has been rooted in the most challenging environments and he is passionate about the role which education can play in overcoming social disadvantage.
Rob Lancaster
Rob Lancaster has been a head teacher with extensive experience of leading schools and LA services which are focused on children and young people experiencing a range of social, emotional and mental health needs. He has been the Executive Head Teacher of three Pupil Referral Units all of which received positive Ofsted gradings.
Rob played a key role in re-configuring Alternative Provision for pupils who were at risk of permanent exclusion, and establishing school behaviour partnerships. More recently Rob has undertaken reviews of Alternative Provision and provides coaching in mainstream and special schools and PRUs. He has also completed reviews of fair access arrangements in a number of Local Authorities.
Linda Lyn-Cook
Linda Lyn-Cook has a significant national profile in relation to her knowledge and expertise in autism. Previously, Linda was employed for twelve years as a Local Authority Consultant Teacher in Autism with responsibility for leading a team of specialist teachers. She has worked extensively with the Autism Education Trust as a trainer and as a member of the Project and Materials Development Team. She currently works as a School Improvement Adviser and she also lectures on the National Award for SENCos as well as other accredited post-graduate courses.
Linda is an experienced School Inspector. She has also worked strategically with Local Authorities to develop and increase access to provision. She has investigated complaints on behalf of schools and LAs. Additionally, Linda has carried out quality assurance audits of provision and of LA services and worked with these services to implement recommendations.
Jane Starbuck
Jane Starbuck was a primary school head teacher. She is currently the Strategic Leader for Inclusion of a large partnership of schools. She has extensive experience of special educational needs and disability and has a particular interest in pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs.
Jane has established effective collaborations between schools in order to develop specialist provision, alternative provision, training and sharing of resources. She is highly regarded by the schools with which she works and lectures on the National Award for SENCos.